Bushcraft RSS

Learn the top three essential skills for successful bushcraft and how expertise can help you navigate the wilderness with confidence. Discover resources and tips for mastering survival skills, navigation, and plant/animal identification

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The Texas Bushcraft Survival Tarp is an essential piece of gear for any outdoor enthusiast, bushcrafter, or survivalist. Its thermal properties make it a versatile tool for all seasons, as it helps to retain heat in colder weather and reduce heat absorption in the summer.



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As an experienced outdoors enthusiast, you know the importance of being prepared and aware of your surroundings when spending time in the wild. However, even the most seasoned survivalist or primitive camper can find themselves in the midst of an unexpected animal encounter. To avoid these encounters and stay safe in the wild, it's important to research the area before heading out, make noise to alert animals to your presence, avoid camping near animal dens, keep your campsite clean, store food and trash properly, and be aware of your surroundings. If you do encounter an animal, remain calm and avoid making sudden movements, and use non-lethal deterrents if necessary. By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

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As we ring in the new year, it's a great time to set our sights on new adventures and explore new locations. Whether you're an experienced outdoor enthusiast or just starting out on your journey, there are always new places to discover and experiences to be had. If you're looking for inspiration for your next adventure, consider branching out and trying a new activity or visiting a new location. The great outdoors is full of endless possibilities, and there's always something new to learn and explore. One way to find new adventures is to seek out local outdoor groups or...

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Winter can be a challenging time for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Cold temperatures, shorter days, and unpredictable weather can make it difficult to enjoy activities like camping and hiking. However, with the right mindset and preparation, you can adapt to the cold and thrive in the winter season. One key to surviving in the cold is to dress properly. Layering is essential for trapping heat and regulating your body temperature. Choose moisture-wicking materials for your base layer, insulating layers like fleece or wool for the middle, and wind and water-resistant outer layers. Don't forget to protect your head,...

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